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Holistic Therapy
Pregnancy Reflexology
Hopi Ear Candling,
Ayurvedic Foot Massage,
Indian Head Massage,
Hot Stone Massage,
Lava Shell Massage
Detox Therapies,
Deluxe Pedicure/Maniicure,
Callus Peel Treatments,
Aromatherapy Massage
Customised Facials,
Deep Tissue massage
Positive Therapies are leaders in pregnancy
reflexology, a complimentary therapy technique
that will prepare you for safe delivery and help
you to prevent a variety of pregnancy related
Preparing for birth begins from your first day
conception. As your baby nears the delivery
date, you will begin to experience Braxton Hicks contractions as the uterus prepares for labour. The
placenta is now releasing further hormones to prepare for breastfeeding after delivery and the cervix
is continuing to soften. Pregnancy Reflexology during this phase continues to support the mother
through these changes and towards the commencement of labour.
Pregnancy Reflexology can prevent these symptoms during pregnancy
We can help you alleviate many common pregnancy symptoms with our pregnancy reflexology
therapy. Some of these pregnancy symptons include: Oedema, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,
Headaches, Constipation, Haemorrhoids, High blood pressure, Tiredness, Morning sickness,
Heartburn, Backache, Breathlessness, Sleeplessness
Why Pregnancy Reflexology is important during labour
Pregnancy Reflexology is important during labour because the key hormone
for the onset and development of labour is oxytocin. The first secretion
comes from the baby’s pituitary gland and when this crosses the placenta it
activates the mother’s pituitary to respond by producing more. The mother’s
oxytocin then progresses contractions and labour. Pregnancy Reflexology
during this phase can help to maintain the mother’s secretions and so allow
labour to progress naturally and without chemical or physical intervention.
Used between contractions, pregnancy reflexology can help to release endorphins so that the
mother can actively relax and focus her energy for each contraction.
The importance of Pregnancy Reflexology during after conception
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To quickly go to our other services: reflexology, pregnancy reflexology, lava shell massage, hot stone massage, body massage, our
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To quickly go through our price price list: Lava shell price list, reflexology price list, holistic therapies price list, holistic facials price list,
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